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Privacy Policy


USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. is committed to the protection of the information you provide us. Whether that information is related to financial, proprietary or confidential information of the Customer relating to Customer’s business or operations. USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. will retain all such information in confidence and will not disclose it or use it, except in the necessary course of the performance of services to the Customer.



What Information We Collect

  • Name of Business or Entity.

  • Contact information including name(s) of responsible parties, address, phone number(s) and associated email addresses.

  • Areas of interest. 



How We Use the Information We Gather

To better service the Customer and understand individual needs, USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. uses the information we gather from the customer:


  • Create and update internal customer records.

  • Provide desirable products and services to enhance customer service and support.

  • Periodically offer special or promotional items that may be of interest to the Customer.

  • Provide updated application information on the Customer.  




USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. is committed to safeguard the information you provide. We have placed state of the art physical, electronic and administrative deterrents to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information you provide.




When you visit our web site you will be asked to accept “cookies”. By accepting, you agree to allow USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. to collect data of your online behavior (analyze web traffic, web page you visit most and general interests). We use this information to better understand the customer needs and interests. 


Please note that accepted “cookies” do not allow USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. to gain control of your computer in any way. They are strictly used to identify the web pages you visit so we can provide a better online experience.

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