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Terms & Conditions


USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. will submit to the Customer an invoice with payment terms of net thirty (30) days at the time of shipment or service. Any balance beyond thirty (30) days may accrue a one and one-half (1 ½) percent per month maintenance fee. Credit card payments will be processed on the day goods are shipped. A credit card payment “slip” will be provided to the customer along with a paid invoice for their records. Please note that all USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. quotations are exclusive of all applicable taxes and shipping.  



Returns & Refunds

Our products are vigorously tested and are guaranteed to meet the analytical requirements of the user. If a product does not meet the desired expectations; the unused, unopened item(s) can be returned in the original packaging for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. The only exception to this policy is capsules. Due to the fragile nature of the capsule (tin or silver) returns will be evaluated for damage. If damage has occurred, then a prorated restocking fee will be deducted from the refund amount expected. The customer is responsible for all return shipping expenses.



Order Cancellation

An order can be cancelled at any time prior to shipment.



Damaged Goods & Shipping Cartons

The staff at USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. take special care in packaging the ordered items for transport to the customer. If an item is damaged during shipment, it can be returned to USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. for full credit. However, if a shipping carton is delivered damaged, it should be noted with the shipping carrier and the delivery should be refused. USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. should be notified and corrective measures for the customer will be addressed.



Safe Handling of Goods

Products sold by USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. are intended for use by qualified laboratory personnel in pursuit of specific analytical applications. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are provided on this website to provide information for the safe handling, storage and disposal of products we sell. USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. will make every effort to provide additional technical information, if required.




USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. warrants its products against defects in material, workmanship or design. Warranty of products will not exceed the actual cost of the goods purchased.



Force Majeure

Any delay or failure of USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. to perform any of its obligation here under shall be excused if and to the extent of such delay or failure is caused by acts of God, strikes, action of regulatory agencies, court injunction or order, or any other cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the affected party, but only for so long as such event or force majeure continues. The affected party shall be diligent in attempting to remove such cause or causes.




Absent of gross negligence, willful misconduct or international breach or any unauthorized use or disclosure use or disclosure of customer’s confidential information by USA Analytical Technologies, Inc., neither party shall be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of this agreement (Including loss of profits, use, data or other economic advantage), however is arises, whether for breach of this agreement, or in tort, even if that party has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.




If USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. or its employees, officers, directors, agents, or consultants receive or observe proprietary or confidential information of Customer relating to Customer’s business or operations, such party will retain all such information in confidence and will not disclose it or use it, except in the necessary course of the performance of services hereunder. Customer’s Confidential information shall include but not limited to: (a) any information visually observed by any employees, officers, directors, agents or consultants for USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. during a visit to Customer’s facility, (b) product samples, (c) information relating to Customer’s manufacture and performance of its products, research and development activities, operations, manufacturing processes, production costs, equipment, operating parameters and Customer’s products. Confidential information under this provision may be exchanged verbally, visually or in writing and may otherwise be observed or received.




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